Friday, October 12, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Just Own Yourself
I vividly recall my first pregnancy over 21 years ago.  I was reading a chapter in a pregnancy book about morning sickness, and the author stated that morning sickness is largely prevalent in the United States only because women EXPECT it to happen.  Nowhere in the world are pregnant women throwing up and becoming ill like American women.  Others may experience some morning sickness, but it’s not even close to the rate of those in America – which is where I live.  That really struck me.  I thought if all it took was setting my mind to expect a fantastic pregnancy with no morning sickness, then that was for me.  So, that’s what I did.  I set my expectations towards a smooth and easy pregnancy, and that’s exactly what I experienced  – not only once, but twice!   
(Now for the opposite experience…) 
Then there was the time I was driving in a snowstorm on the highway, one of the busiest interstates in Illinois.  You know how our minds sometimes drift off and we suddenly find ourselves in a daydream … so, there I was, imagining myself in full detail on the side of the road in a pile of snow, calling a friend for help because I lost control of my car and ended up in a ditch.  Well, this was one of the scariest times of my life, because just THAT happened but minutes after I imagined it!  I lost control of my car, it spun around in the middle of a 4-lane highway, and I swear my car must’ve been surrounded by a legion of angels, because somehow I ended up unscathed on the left side of the road … in the middle of a ditch!
Through the above experiences (and many others!), I’ve learned we really are the creators of our own reality – and I’ve many more examples than just the two above. 
You’ve probably heard the saying “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it”.  And I’ll add to that saying – do you really want it?!  Think of a wish as a thought.  What are you focusing your thoughts on?  Are you mindlessly daydreaming, or letting your mind get carried away in something dreadful?  We don’t think we’re wishing for anything negative, but when we’re find ourselves flagrantly daydreaming of something awful happening, or our thoughts are focused on fear or worry, that is what we’ll produce or manifest. 
What if we were to consciously turn our negative thoughts around and change our focus and expect otherwise?  Such as I did with my pregnancies, that I didn’t do when I was caught up in my mind imagining something terrible occurring in that snowstorm.  Our minds are so powerful.  Now when I find myself starting to envision negativity of any kind, I’ll stop the thought midway and turn it around to something positive, or use it to my advantage to pay attention to what my intuition is trying to tell me (such as slow down and stay out of the left merge lane in the midst of a major snowstorm). 
I’ve also learned that our lives always reflect back to us what we think, feel and believe.  Either positive or negative.  Conscious thought or unconscious thinking.  We need only to look at our surroundings to see the result of our current state of mind.  Also known as cause (thinking) and effect (outcome).  We really do create our own reality.  Do you like what you see?  Are you creating a lot of good, or a lot of not-so-good?
Many people, especially new-thought teachers and motivational speakers, are saying the same thing, trying to empower conscious thought and positive thinking to help people create better lives.  I don’t think there can be enough messengers out there … but I’m also a firm believer in trusting our own experiences as the true mentor.  Think back to your own experiences, your own life, when you were either thinking negatively and brought about negative consequences as a result of where your focus was … or, positive experiences as a result of where your mindset was.  Our personal encounters are our own best teachers.  If we’re not already, we must become cognizant of using our minds wisely, for that’s where the magic in life truly has its chance to begin.
“Change your thoughts and you change your world." ~Norman Vincent Peale
”Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination." ~Norman Vincent Peale
“Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?”  ~Coleman Cox
Make yours a life worth mentioning!
Peace and blessings to all,

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