Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you react or choose your response?

Just Own Yourself
So, there stood my two small darlings, only seven and eight years old at the time, side-by-side in front of the bathroom mirror.  I was behind them in the hallway, in a rush to get out of the house, becoming more impatient by the minute at their lack of understanding what "hurry!" meant.  Oh, how cute they were ... being silly, making faces at each other while brushing their teeth, their laughter and innocence a magical view to behold.  Except for this particular morning.  I was so caught up in my own little world, that all I could feel was my impatience and agitation growing faster than Jack's beanstalk on steroids.
I had just about enough of their un-cooperation, and was on the verge of blowing my stack, when my older son suddenly poked the younger one in the side and said, "Hey, watch, this is where mom loses it."

My jaw dropped to the carpet as I stood there completely immobilized.  It was one of those moments where time stood still and everything froze in place.  Was I really THAT predictable?!   

How sad.  Yet, what an AH-HA moment it was for me.  An awakening, one could say, for which I am most grateful.

My little sages not only taught me a grand lesson of patience, but that time was going to pass no matter what ... and did I want it to go by in a blur reacting to everything around me in haste, or would I instead choose to slow down and appreciate the "small things" that stood before me?   

Since that eye-opening morning many-many years ago, I've become mindful of choosing my response, rather than being a victim to stress or worry and reacting to a situation.  I also call this stepping atop my own personal watchtower.  By becoming the observer in my life and viewing things from a higher perspective, I've grown to be more accepting and patient with others as well as myself, and have also developed more compassion and understanding.  I will admit that it’s not always easy to make the climb, but it does get easier with time and practice. 

We might not have control over everything that happens, but we certainly have control over our response.  It's also about being "in the moment".  Actually, isn't that what patience is all about?  Not thinking ahead, not rushing time, just being in the now, the present moment – which is where the gift is.  I'm sure you're familiar with the saying:  "Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, today is a gift – that's why they call it the present."

I encourage you to step atop your own personal watchtower and observe yourself over the next couple of days.  Whenever a challenging circumstance is troubling you, be it a disturbing event or person, or even your own darling children, literally envision a watchtower in your mind; climb the stairs to the top, then look down at whatever your situation at hand is with new vision.  I'd love to hear about your revelations; please share your feedback ... it just might be your unique observation that helps others to grow.  
Wishing you a week full of patience and discovery!

Peace and blessings to all,


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Hug Experiment

Just Own Yourself

I was hiking with a friend of mine the other day, when she told me she flinches when someone tries to hug her.  She said she is afraid of hugs and the vulnerability they represent. Although she grew up in a family where emotional expression and giving and receiving hugs were commonplace, somehow in her mid-thirties, hugging had become foreign and extremely uncomfortable to her.  Through the years, she unknowingly became accustomed to keeping her physical and emotional distance from human tenderness or affection.  Avoiding hugs developed into her way of stopping other people from invading her personal space.

I felt sad for her as she told me this recent realization, because I know how therapeutic hugging is for the soul.  I also felt happy for her newfound awareness, knowing she is on the brink of a major breakthrough in her struggle for personal growth and emotional freedom.  "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
~Richard Bach.

I didn't even realize the significance of hugging until I went through an intensive patient care training course to become a volunteer for Hospice.  My teacher, an unforgettable mentor of immense compassion and wisdom, spoke of the deep longing everyone has to be touched ... and the tremendous power of a single hug. 

She walked us through a first-hand study.  The "hugging" experiment.  There were fifteen of us in the class, and we had to go around the room, first asking for a hug, then being the recipient of a hug.  I was in the first group, the 'givers'.  "Hello, may I have a hug?"  I had to ask as I went around the table, arms outstretched to my fellow classmates.  I must admit it was an awkward, uncomfortable feeling.  One of my male classmates, married with three little girls, just couldn't let go of his extreme unease with our experiment ... yet at the end of our session, he seemed to be doing somewhat better as his discomfort started to ease up a little with time and practice. 

We were encouraged to take our hug experiment into the community, and I tried it out on a helpful sales clerk at the local Borders Bookstore.  It was near closing time, and she patiently helped me track down an extinct CD in the back room.  I was so grateful I just had to hug her.  I asked, "May I have a hug?"  She stood back after our embrace, with tears in her eyes and deep emotion in her voice, and said to me, "Thank you, I needed that; it's been a long time since someone hugged me."  Talk about profound!

As a result of my Hospice class and our hug experiment, I learned the deep healing benefits a hug can bring.  It's one of the very best things we can do for others and ourselves.  The act of hugging actually causes the brain to release endorphins – chemicals that produce a natural "high", bringing about feelings of well-being.  Touching is also a behavior that can be learned, or re-learned, as the man in my class experienced.
I'm okay with hugging now … in fact, I can easily hug a complete stranger.  It's been a process, though, and I trust my friend will one day find her comfort zone.  We now end our hiking adventures with a warm embrace, and it’s a beautiful thing. 
I think one of the most powerful questions we can ever ask another human, is: "May I have a hug?" 

Keep it in mind.  Try it on for size.  And may you know only joy.

Peace and blessin
gs to all,