Monday, November 26, 2012

Hop aboard the Love Bus!

Just Own Yourself

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Ah, that age old question. 

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a school bus driver.  Lol, makes me giggle just typing that.😊 While all the other kids wanted to be a doctor, a policeman, a fireman, a teacher...then…yep, there I was, that awkward little girl with bow legs and freckles, who wanted to be a school bus driver.  I was always way too self-conscious to admit something so embarrassing, so I never revealed my sweet lil' secret to anyone.  That is, until the real reason dawned on me, and I finally realized WHY I was so drawn to wanting to drive a school bus for a living.

When I was in first grade, I remember having the most kind and beautiful bus driver who would stop near the corner of Londonberry Lane to pick up the school crew every weekday morning.  She greeted everyone with such friendliness and warmth, that one couldn’t help but feel extra special in her presence.  She welcomed us onto the bus with a big bowl of hard candy (this was back in the '70s!) and was always so pleasant and sweet.  There was a permanently etched smile on her face, and a ‘sing-song’ melody to her voice.  What a wonderful way to start the day greeted by a woman spilling over with kindness!

Many-many years later it hit me, it's not WHAT she was doing, but WHO she was that led me to believe I wanted to be a school bus driver.  I wanted to be just like her because of how special and valued she made me feel; because of her cheery disposition and genuine smile; because of the uplifting impact she made on those around her; because of the way she brought joy to each and every child who boarded her inspiring bus filled with love and kindness.

Instead of being defined by something outside of ourselves, a “job” or a “position” we acquire, what if we were to grow up with people asking what qualities we admire in others, what things we enjoy doing, what makes us happy and brings our soul alive.  I think these are the real questions we need to ask.  It is these questions that will lead to a path of fulfillment, as it becomes a discovery of those natural gifts already within ourselves, our inherent passions and  talents; and when our work is based around that, it is then we will find happiness – when it is about WHO we are, not “what” we think we should be doing.

In other words, when how we earn a living matches our interests and passions, it stops feeling like work.  And even if that isn’t how we earn our living, as long as we’re doing something in our lives that enhances those traits, such as a hobby, sport, craft or volunteer work, we feel more alive and our lives flow so much smoother because we are living a more balanced life. 

Just like my unforgettable bus driver from long ago (who never worked a day in her life!), I love making a difference, spreading kindness, bringing joy and inspiration to others.  So I ask you to look for the qualities you admire in others, and then to explore your heart and soul and find those traits and other jewels in yourself.  Also ask your children and other people in your life what they’re passionate about and encourage their interests … and let’s all hop on the joy bus and enjoy and embrace a purposeful passion-filled life!

“To love what you do and feel it matters, how could anything be more fun?” ~Katherine Graham

"Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life."~Confucius

Peace and blessings to all,


The vibrant JOY design can be purchased on an assortment of products here:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Language of Love

Just Own Yourself

Many years ago when my boys were in grade school, we took a trip to visit grandma and grandpa.  And when I say trip, I guess I'm luckier than most people who don't live near their folks.  It was only a twenty-minute drive door to door.  Being a single mother and working in the corporate world at that time, visiting mom and dad's house was a welcoming time to kick back, unwind, eat mom's awesome pork chops, and take a breather while grandma and papa entertained the kids. 

One particular evening comes to mind during a routine Monday evening visit.  Simple as the night may have seemed to most, it made a significant impact upon me. 

I loved to sit in dad's favorite spot - an oversized, tan upholstered chair in the family room that faced the television.  I wasn't much for TV, but there was some sort of contentment I found sitting in that chair. I'd normally grab a magazine, kick up my feet on the large ottoman, and munch on popcorn sprinkled with parmesan cheese.  I'd hear my boys laughing as they played with my parents in the background, knowing that before too long, my dad was going to want to relax with a bowl of butter pecan ice-cream in 'his' chair.

Here comes my favorite part... 

He'd pace back and forth in the kitchen, several feet behind the chair, expecting me to move – to the couch, to another room in the house, essentially anywhere; it didn’t matter where, as long as he could reclaim ‘his’ chair.  Sometimes he'd clear his throat, make unusual noises, or even stand directly beside the chair – however, the whole while he shuffled to and fro or stood beside me, he never said a single word to me! 

It became a game of sorts.  I'd sit, he'd pace or stand next to me, no words were ever exchanged, but I always knew exactly what he wanted.  I always waited for him to ask me to move, but for some reason he just wouldn't ask.  So, eventually, my mom would finally end up asking me to move, speaking for him, telling me that my dad wanted to sit in his chair. 

I never really understood what our little game was all about, until one evening while in the midst of him pacing behind me, it hit me like one of those vivid light-bulb moments.  My dad was never really one for words or showing his emotions.  I'd always wished differently, always yearned for that perfect "Father Knows Best" father, until I started to read between the lines and accept my father for who he is and not what I wished for him to be.  That's when I figured out that by him not being able to ask me to move from his chair was his way of saying "I love you". 

No wonder that was my favorite place to sit, and why the game went on for so long. 

I came to understand that the language of love can be communicated in many different ways, and not to expect or anticipate receiving it in the way we might think is the “right” way.  Some people can easily verbalize their emotions.  Other people feel awkward showing emotion or articulating their feelings, so they express themselves in nonverbal ways, such as my father.  For others, even a slight touch on the arm or some small gesture of kindness is their way of letting you know you are loved and appreciated.  We have to open not only our ears, but also our eyes and hearts to interpret the many signs and symbols of love. 

My boys are now grown, my parents have since moved from that house, and I do miss our little game.  It was so sweet and simple, yet spoke volumes.  Today is my father's 69th birthday, which is probably why I find myself reflecting on this story and what he's taught me. 

Happy Birthday, dad ... I love you, too. 

Peace and blessings to all,


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Joy - a wonder working technique!

Just Own Yourself


"The greatest gift you can give yourself is joy, not only because of the feeling that goes with it at the moment, but because of the magnificent experience it will draw to you. It becomes your mark, your nature, your name. It is a wonder-working technique that will produce wonders in your life."
~Jack Boland

Friday, October 12, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Just Own Yourself
I vividly recall my first pregnancy over 21 years ago.  I was reading a chapter in a pregnancy book about morning sickness, and the author stated that morning sickness is largely prevalent in the United States only because women EXPECT it to happen.  Nowhere in the world are pregnant women throwing up and becoming ill like American women.  Others may experience some morning sickness, but it’s not even close to the rate of those in America – which is where I live.  That really struck me.  I thought if all it took was setting my mind to expect a fantastic pregnancy with no morning sickness, then that was for me.  So, that’s what I did.  I set my expectations towards a smooth and easy pregnancy, and that’s exactly what I experienced  – not only once, but twice!   
(Now for the opposite experience…) 
Then there was the time I was driving in a snowstorm on the highway, one of the busiest interstates in Illinois.  You know how our minds sometimes drift off and we suddenly find ourselves in a daydream … so, there I was, imagining myself in full detail on the side of the road in a pile of snow, calling a friend for help because I lost control of my car and ended up in a ditch.  Well, this was one of the scariest times of my life, because just THAT happened but minutes after I imagined it!  I lost control of my car, it spun around in the middle of a 4-lane highway, and I swear my car must’ve been surrounded by a legion of angels, because somehow I ended up unscathed on the left side of the road … in the middle of a ditch!
Through the above experiences (and many others!), I’ve learned we really are the creators of our own reality – and I’ve many more examples than just the two above. 
You’ve probably heard the saying “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it”.  And I’ll add to that saying – do you really want it?!  Think of a wish as a thought.  What are you focusing your thoughts on?  Are you mindlessly daydreaming, or letting your mind get carried away in something dreadful?  We don’t think we’re wishing for anything negative, but when we’re find ourselves flagrantly daydreaming of something awful happening, or our thoughts are focused on fear or worry, that is what we’ll produce or manifest. 
What if we were to consciously turn our negative thoughts around and change our focus and expect otherwise?  Such as I did with my pregnancies, that I didn’t do when I was caught up in my mind imagining something terrible occurring in that snowstorm.  Our minds are so powerful.  Now when I find myself starting to envision negativity of any kind, I’ll stop the thought midway and turn it around to something positive, or use it to my advantage to pay attention to what my intuition is trying to tell me (such as slow down and stay out of the left merge lane in the midst of a major snowstorm). 
I’ve also learned that our lives always reflect back to us what we think, feel and believe.  Either positive or negative.  Conscious thought or unconscious thinking.  We need only to look at our surroundings to see the result of our current state of mind.  Also known as cause (thinking) and effect (outcome).  We really do create our own reality.  Do you like what you see?  Are you creating a lot of good, or a lot of not-so-good?
Many people, especially new-thought teachers and motivational speakers, are saying the same thing, trying to empower conscious thought and positive thinking to help people create better lives.  I don’t think there can be enough messengers out there … but I’m also a firm believer in trusting our own experiences as the true mentor.  Think back to your own experiences, your own life, when you were either thinking negatively and brought about negative consequences as a result of where your focus was … or, positive experiences as a result of where your mindset was.  Our personal encounters are our own best teachers.  If we’re not already, we must become cognizant of using our minds wisely, for that’s where the magic in life truly has its chance to begin.
“Change your thoughts and you change your world." ~Norman Vincent Peale
”Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination." ~Norman Vincent Peale
“Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?”  ~Coleman Cox
Make yours a life worth mentioning!
Peace and blessings to all,

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you react or choose your response?

Just Own Yourself
So, there stood my two small darlings, only seven and eight years old at the time, side-by-side in front of the bathroom mirror.  I was behind them in the hallway, in a rush to get out of the house, becoming more impatient by the minute at their lack of understanding what "hurry!" meant.  Oh, how cute they were ... being silly, making faces at each other while brushing their teeth, their laughter and innocence a magical view to behold.  Except for this particular morning.  I was so caught up in my own little world, that all I could feel was my impatience and agitation growing faster than Jack's beanstalk on steroids.
I had just about enough of their un-cooperation, and was on the verge of blowing my stack, when my older son suddenly poked the younger one in the side and said, "Hey, watch, this is where mom loses it."

My jaw dropped to the carpet as I stood there completely immobilized.  It was one of those moments where time stood still and everything froze in place.  Was I really THAT predictable?!   

How sad.  Yet, what an AH-HA moment it was for me.  An awakening, one could say, for which I am most grateful.

My little sages not only taught me a grand lesson of patience, but that time was going to pass no matter what ... and did I want it to go by in a blur reacting to everything around me in haste, or would I instead choose to slow down and appreciate the "small things" that stood before me?   

Since that eye-opening morning many-many years ago, I've become mindful of choosing my response, rather than being a victim to stress or worry and reacting to a situation.  I also call this stepping atop my own personal watchtower.  By becoming the observer in my life and viewing things from a higher perspective, I've grown to be more accepting and patient with others as well as myself, and have also developed more compassion and understanding.  I will admit that it’s not always easy to make the climb, but it does get easier with time and practice. 

We might not have control over everything that happens, but we certainly have control over our response.  It's also about being "in the moment".  Actually, isn't that what patience is all about?  Not thinking ahead, not rushing time, just being in the now, the present moment – which is where the gift is.  I'm sure you're familiar with the saying:  "Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, today is a gift – that's why they call it the present."

I encourage you to step atop your own personal watchtower and observe yourself over the next couple of days.  Whenever a challenging circumstance is troubling you, be it a disturbing event or person, or even your own darling children, literally envision a watchtower in your mind; climb the stairs to the top, then look down at whatever your situation at hand is with new vision.  I'd love to hear about your revelations; please share your feedback ... it just might be your unique observation that helps others to grow.  
Wishing you a week full of patience and discovery!

Peace and blessings to all,


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Hug Experiment

Just Own Yourself

I was hiking with a friend of mine the other day, when she told me she flinches when someone tries to hug her.  She said she is afraid of hugs and the vulnerability they represent. Although she grew up in a family where emotional expression and giving and receiving hugs were commonplace, somehow in her mid-thirties, hugging had become foreign and extremely uncomfortable to her.  Through the years, she unknowingly became accustomed to keeping her physical and emotional distance from human tenderness or affection.  Avoiding hugs developed into her way of stopping other people from invading her personal space.

I felt sad for her as she told me this recent realization, because I know how therapeutic hugging is for the soul.  I also felt happy for her newfound awareness, knowing she is on the brink of a major breakthrough in her struggle for personal growth and emotional freedom.  "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
~Richard Bach.

I didn't even realize the significance of hugging until I went through an intensive patient care training course to become a volunteer for Hospice.  My teacher, an unforgettable mentor of immense compassion and wisdom, spoke of the deep longing everyone has to be touched ... and the tremendous power of a single hug. 

She walked us through a first-hand study.  The "hugging" experiment.  There were fifteen of us in the class, and we had to go around the room, first asking for a hug, then being the recipient of a hug.  I was in the first group, the 'givers'.  "Hello, may I have a hug?"  I had to ask as I went around the table, arms outstretched to my fellow classmates.  I must admit it was an awkward, uncomfortable feeling.  One of my male classmates, married with three little girls, just couldn't let go of his extreme unease with our experiment ... yet at the end of our session, he seemed to be doing somewhat better as his discomfort started to ease up a little with time and practice. 

We were encouraged to take our hug experiment into the community, and I tried it out on a helpful sales clerk at the local Borders Bookstore.  It was near closing time, and she patiently helped me track down an extinct CD in the back room.  I was so grateful I just had to hug her.  I asked, "May I have a hug?"  She stood back after our embrace, with tears in her eyes and deep emotion in her voice, and said to me, "Thank you, I needed that; it's been a long time since someone hugged me."  Talk about profound!

As a result of my Hospice class and our hug experiment, I learned the deep healing benefits a hug can bring.  It's one of the very best things we can do for others and ourselves.  The act of hugging actually causes the brain to release endorphins – chemicals that produce a natural "high", bringing about feelings of well-being.  Touching is also a behavior that can be learned, or re-learned, as the man in my class experienced.
I'm okay with hugging now … in fact, I can easily hug a complete stranger.  It's been a process, though, and I trust my friend will one day find her comfort zone.  We now end our hiking adventures with a warm embrace, and it’s a beautiful thing. 
I think one of the most powerful questions we can ever ask another human, is: "May I have a hug?" 

Keep it in mind.  Try it on for size.  And may you know only joy.

Peace and blessin
gs to all,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Got Joy?

 Just Own Yourself
"The future, higher evolution will belong to those who live in joy, who share joy, and who spread joy."   ~Torkom Saraydarian

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pure Potential

Just Own Yourself

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.”
~Zig Ziglar

Right on.  Now Zig is definitely speaking my language!  If I don’t submerge myself in motivational bathing on a regular basis, life becomes more challenging for me to navigate.  That’s why I’m always on the lookout for new, inspirational material.  This past Sunday, I had my very first sampling of Bishop T.D. Jakes, and I am HOOKED!!  Holy cow, does he ever deliver a message with pure power and inspiring impact!!! Absolutely incredible. 

Bishop T.D. Jakes (hello, how come I’ve never heard of him before today – one of my new favorite people ever!!) had me whooping and hollering in my living room like I was a guest-gone-wild in his live studio audience.  My teenage sons would’ve looked at me like I was half whacked had they been home that morning! J  I couldn’t help myself.  He has a gift of delivering such a powerful message with incredible zeal and passion, that I found myself on the edge of my couch, pumping my arm in the air with enthusiasm, totally caught up in his message of birthing new ideas.  We are ALL here for a purpose, each one of us, pregnant with pure potential and real possibility. 

Bishop Jakes was on Oprah’s new network, OWN, and his message paralleled how I’ve been feeling lately.  Inside of all of us there are new concepts, songs, books, works of art, creative ideas, business ventures, fill in the blank, just waiting to come out.  If YOU haven't said or expressed it, it hasn’t been done.  We are all unique with our own gifts to share with the world, and the world needs your unique contribution.  I cannot stress that enough.  I know, because this very feeling has been knawing at me for ten years, if not longer.  There's a place deep inside of each one of us that wants to take life to the next level, and go from surviving to thriving.  Take a chance with me.  I know you can do it!  What do you have to lose?  Absolutely nothing, but potentially a whole LOT to gain.  Step out on that ledge…believe you can fly, and we’ll soar together!    

Here I am, closing in on fifty, daring to take a chance.  It’s scary, but it’s also fun, new, exciting…and what I’ve always wanted to do – inspire others to believe in themselves and live their best life.  I encourage you to join me on this journey of being bold and adventurous, by bringing your full potential and craziest dreams to life!  We’re only crazy if we hide our God given talents and gifts…and we’re also being selfish, too – for God didn’t give us our talents to be hidden away, but to be set free to take on a brand new beautiful life of their own, and impact the lives of others.               

So, last week when I saw the online ad for Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” and the sneak peek of Bishop Jakes and his message of personal empowerment, I knew I had to check it out.  I caught the live stream of inspiring interviews with truly soulful people that made me come ALIVE.  It was a Super Soul Sunday, indeed!  Soak me regularly in your tub full of radically alive guests, Oprah, you just got yourself a new fan, and I want to pass the inspiration along! J

You can still catch it here:  Just look under ‘Full Episodes’.  Truly empowering.

As an aside, I’m not here to promote TV shows or celebrities, not getting paid to write any of this, but this was a must-share.  If you’re looking for some inspiration and motivation, no doubt you’ll find yourself as moved and inspired as I was. 

I’d love to hear your feedback…and to also learn of who moves and inspires you?  Moreso, what precious dream can I tenderly hold for you?  What is it that your heart truly desires and what do you wish to manifest?  Please let me know in the comment section and I will put you on my daily prayer list and affirm only the highest and best for you and your life.  
I believe in you!

Much love and many blessings,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Do you meditate?

Just Own Yourself ™    



I remember the first time I took a meditation class.  I was living in Phoenix in the late ‘80s, and signed up for introductory lessons at a place called The Center for Radical Aliveness.  With a trendy name like that, I was bound to learn how to meditate like an ancient Buddhist monk!  My neighbor, Jennifer, signed up with me.  We decided that this was clearly the hippest thing in town.  Besides, her nature was as inherently anxious as my own, so we were both looking forward to calming our minds that surely raced faster than my teenage son’s fingers sending text messages!

The first class was intimidating.  Everyone brought their own cushion and looked like they had been practicing with the Dalai Lama for years.  Not to mention, Jennifer’s breathing was so loud and nasally that all I could envision was turning my bandana into a gag to quiet her down.  I was so distracted and overwhelmed; I thought for sure this meditation thing was not for me.  Even as I sat in the lotus position to practice at home, I couldn’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time without runaway thoughts bombarding my inexperienced mind.  I didn’t finish that course.  I also forgot about meditation for a while … or, did I?
I remember inspiring walks in the majestic Phoenix Mountains with my two golden retrievers, Thor and Thia.  I recall the tranquility I felt drinking in the beauty of the desert flora and fauna, the rejuvenation of the sun’s invigorating rays upon my face, the serenity only Mother Nature in all her glory can bring to a budding soul.  Talk about radical aliveness … as well as peace of mind.  I didn’t put it together, though, that this type of inspiration could be a form of meditation.  

I used to drive myself crazy thinking I had to be like some type of meditating guru in just the right pose, breathing just the right way, all in silence.  After I threw those expectations out the window, I found what worked for me, and discovered there really is no “right” way to do it. 
What takes your mind off the external world and brings you to a place of calm?  What brings you peace of mind?  What brings a sense of ease to your soul?  For my mom it’s reading; for my friend, Paula, it’s sewing; for me it’s a number of simple things:  listening to relaxing music; soaking in a tub of warm water; gazing at the flame of flickering candles; the aroma of sandalwood incense filling the air; taking nature walks; sitting alongside a river and just being still in the moment. These are the times when I can be fully open to feeling the peace within myself.  I’ve also discovered writing and learning to play guitar as a way to relax, as everything dissolves around me.  It’s all very therapeutic for my soul.

So, if sitting in the lotus position chanting “om” doesn’t work for you, and even if it does, what are various ways you recharge, renew and restore your spirit?  I'd love to know.  Please share in the comments section. :)
Happy meditating!

Peace & blessings to all,

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just Own Yourself ™ - the beginning

This is the message that came to me ten years ago: JOY ~Just Own Yourself~ when I was newly divorced, sad, scared and alone on Valentine’s Day.  JOY was a divine message of love, asking me to do some (okay, a lot of!:) releasing, forgiveness, and healing work, and to let go and start anew.  It was a message that, since that day, has continued to come to me years after I immersed myself into my personal healing journey, prodding me to share my story and my messages.  I fought and wrestled with becoming a writer/blogger, more accurately, a messenger, for a long time.  Then that ‘aha’ moment came to me, where I thought if someone can benefit from my personal journey, and if something I share in my disclosures can assist a fellow traveler on the path, then I will faithfully open myself up and allow the words to pour through me and become a balm of hope and faith to those who might need encouragement, inspiration and especially the knowing that they’re not alone.  This is the night it all started…

I was scared to death to be alone that Valentine’s Day ten years ago – February 14, 2002.  I was divorced, not dating anyone, and felt horribly lonely.  Wasn’t that the point of Valentine’s Day, to have a date, be with someone special to celebrate this ultra romantic holiday with, and NOT be alone?  After all, that’s all you hear or see on the radio, TV, internet, everywhere you look, turn; you see a reminder that Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate with your honey.  It’s not a day to be alone.  Ohh…I was dreading it big time!  Then, the day before Valentine’s Day, I happened to read a blog from a Dating Coach (I can’t find her now – would’ve loved to have given her credit), who told me just the opposite.  She said it’s OKAY to be alone; it’s OKAY to not have a date, and if someone found themselves in this position, she recommended we decorate our own garden and nourish our own soul.  What?  Really?  I had never thought of that before, but I loved the idea!  She gave me permission to be alone, and celebrate ME.  Yes, that is just what I would do. 

So, I made plans for a date with myself.  I picked out the perfect outfit, drove myself to the store to buy myself a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers, and took a long time picking out just the right card for myself.  In the car, every love song I heard on the radio, I pretended it was written just for me – from me – and I sang the songs aloud, celebrating myself and my beautiful spirit.  My soul was very happy, and I couldn’t wait to continue the celebration at home.  I set the flowers on my personal altar in my bedroom, put on very soothing meditation music, and lit many candles that set the stage for my first ever solo Valentine celebration.  I sat for a long time in silence, just soaking in the beauty of my simple evening.  I then took a pen with sparkly blue ink, and without thought, let the peace I was feeling guide the pen.  The card I bought said: “Sweetheart…With you, I’ve watched my dreams come true, hoping that you knew, what joy it brings to everything whenever I’m with you. With Love on Valentine’s Day.” And I added a little message to myself: “and remember I am *always* with you…always in heart, always in spirit, always in soul.  Just be who you are, and everything will always be alright.  You are beautiful.  I love you. Vicki” I signed it with my childhood name; she wanted to be a part of my life.  On the left side of the card, three letters came to me:




And next to the letters, my hand wrote the words:




I used to think JOY meant radical happiness, like bouncing off the walls with endless, ecstatic, “Snoopy dance” energy.  I now understand JOY to mean a deep feeling of happiness or contentment.  I feel my contentment deepening as my awareness grows and my self-acceptance rises.  The calm is just beautiful.  I do believe it's been about coming to a place, an inner place, where I’ve taken responsibility for my life and I've owned myself, faults and all, accepted my upbringing (everyone is always doing the best know they know how at any given time – no one is perfect, we’re all learning as we go), and the choices and decisions I've made along the way (right or wrong, it’s all led me to where I am today and now is good); I also let go of guilt and regret after a long process of delving into personal healing.  The guilt and regret didn't serve me any longer, it was time to let that go for good, and have compassion for my young girl within who didn't deserve to be judged so harshly any longer.  I finally made peace with my past, peace with myself, and peace with the tangled journey.

Hey, I like this calm.  It feels good.  I like who and where I am, I appreciate where I've been, am grateful for the people and lessons along the way, and I am excited about where I am going.  It’s a continual journey of growth and discovery.  One of my dear friends called her journey a “continual fascination”.  What a wonderful way to look at life! She’s one of my teachers…  

In 1990 I gave myself the title “Seeking Swan”.  I guess one can say we're seeking our entire life, as we're continually evolving and changing during our earthly journey.  However, it's different now as I close in on 50.  I love singer/songwriter Jana Stanfield’s saying; “I’m not lost, I’m exploring!”  That fits.  Through it all, I've discovered it's all about self-acceptance, self-love and self-appreciation...for everything, the good and the bad, as it’s all for our highest good and our soul’s growth.  Talk about being responsible for our own lives!  I arrived at a place in life where I no longer feel the need to be on a constant quest (it was a rather frantic search at times!).  Now, there's a sense of peace, calm, knowing that whatever happens, I will get through the challenge I face and become even more whole as time passes.  It's a nice place to be and my wish is that if you find yourself struggling or confused, you will soon join me in honoring and appreciating yourself exactly where you find yourself today – wherever that is.  For in the space of loving and accepting ourselves wherever we happen to be, we begin to slowly discover self-acceptance and inner contentment...and our wings begin to flutter in anticipation of one day soaring with clarity and vision.

Here are a few things I did that helped me to get to a place of self-acceptance and find my wings; I would love your feedback, and welcome you to add to the list:

How I learned to love myself:
1)      Give myself great big hugs, especially before bedtime
2)      Create mantras and affirmations to overcome my inner critic
3)      Tape positive quotes to my bathroom mirror
4)      Light candles, listen to guided meditations
5)      Listen to inspirational music with uplifting lyrics
6)      Immerse myself in nature as often as possible
7)      Give my creative side lots of room to play
8)      Surround myself with children as they’re a wonderful source of pure joy

“Unconditional self love is the root of all we seek.”  Author unknown

Dear Beautiful Reader,
I invite you to let go of fear
I give you permission to love yourself
You are a precious, lovely soul
Your birthright is to know happiness and fulfillment
Deep within you is a place of calm
An all knowing place of contentment
Please let go of any guilt and regret
And tune into this place of love
It is there for you
Waiting to connect with you
Its only wish is that you are happy
My only wish is that you feel joy
I invite you to Just Own Yourself
And feel the Love that awaits you
Go out and play, have fun, be silly
Get to know your inner child
Rejoice in the life you have been given
Heal thyself, and know love
Pay the love forward
The world needs your light and love
I hold only the highest vision of goodness for you
And encourage you to be the light for yourself and others

I believe in you.

I love you.


The vibrant JOY design can be purchased here: