Sunday, July 1, 2012

Do you meditate?

Just Own Yourself ™    



I remember the first time I took a meditation class.  I was living in Phoenix in the late ‘80s, and signed up for introductory lessons at a place called The Center for Radical Aliveness.  With a trendy name like that, I was bound to learn how to meditate like an ancient Buddhist monk!  My neighbor, Jennifer, signed up with me.  We decided that this was clearly the hippest thing in town.  Besides, her nature was as inherently anxious as my own, so we were both looking forward to calming our minds that surely raced faster than my teenage son’s fingers sending text messages!

The first class was intimidating.  Everyone brought their own cushion and looked like they had been practicing with the Dalai Lama for years.  Not to mention, Jennifer’s breathing was so loud and nasally that all I could envision was turning my bandana into a gag to quiet her down.  I was so distracted and overwhelmed; I thought for sure this meditation thing was not for me.  Even as I sat in the lotus position to practice at home, I couldn’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time without runaway thoughts bombarding my inexperienced mind.  I didn’t finish that course.  I also forgot about meditation for a while … or, did I?
I remember inspiring walks in the majestic Phoenix Mountains with my two golden retrievers, Thor and Thia.  I recall the tranquility I felt drinking in the beauty of the desert flora and fauna, the rejuvenation of the sun’s invigorating rays upon my face, the serenity only Mother Nature in all her glory can bring to a budding soul.  Talk about radical aliveness … as well as peace of mind.  I didn’t put it together, though, that this type of inspiration could be a form of meditation.  

I used to drive myself crazy thinking I had to be like some type of meditating guru in just the right pose, breathing just the right way, all in silence.  After I threw those expectations out the window, I found what worked for me, and discovered there really is no “right” way to do it. 
What takes your mind off the external world and brings you to a place of calm?  What brings you peace of mind?  What brings a sense of ease to your soul?  For my mom it’s reading; for my friend, Paula, it’s sewing; for me it’s a number of simple things:  listening to relaxing music; soaking in a tub of warm water; gazing at the flame of flickering candles; the aroma of sandalwood incense filling the air; taking nature walks; sitting alongside a river and just being still in the moment. These are the times when I can be fully open to feeling the peace within myself.  I’ve also discovered writing and learning to play guitar as a way to relax, as everything dissolves around me.  It’s all very therapeutic for my soul.

So, if sitting in the lotus position chanting “om” doesn’t work for you, and even if it does, what are various ways you recharge, renew and restore your spirit?  I'd love to know.  Please share in the comments section. :)
Happy meditating!

Peace & blessings to all,


  1. Congrats for taking on the JOY of a new blog! I'm be following you! Love, Pam

  2. How exciting. I look forward to following your inspiring posts.


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